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其他資料列表: 1.Anne of Green Gables | Official Movie Site anneofgreengables.com The official site for the original ANNE OF GREEN GABLES films, directed by Kevin Sullivan. Starring Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Richard Farnsworth. knitspot.com Anne Hanson knitting pattern designer blog and knitting patterns shop. The exact, right place where knitting happens (wherever that may be) barnabecafe.canalblog.com La veste ananas matelassée ! J'ai réalisé il y a presque 2 mois une jolie veste, et je craignais de ne pouvoir vous la présenter en pensant être hors sujet avec ... www.annerice.com The official web site for author Anne Rice and her literary, personal, and business ventures. The latest scoop on Anne's activities, including tours of New Orleans ... annefrank.com The Spirit of Anne Frank Awards are given out annually to students, teachers and citizens who have proven themselves exceptional leaders in their communities. |
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